Coming Up:
Welcome birth workers, sisters, mothers and creatresses of the divine.
You have found yourself here exploring the realms of what it means to truly nourish the mother. Our journey begins with birth and how we care for our mothers is how our baby’s are being taken care of. They are one. One of the most potent ways to tend to women through pregnancy, birth and post partum is through food. This apprenticeship was designed to teach how to feed our mother’s bodies and fuel their soul essence. Reminding all women what it means to be dripping with goddess life force through what we eat.
Revitalizing Ancient Nourishment
There is an awakening happening in our hearts and wombs calling us back to tending to women during this sacred time of bearing children. In this Western world we are bringing back to life caring for our mother's and children. Knowing this wisdom provides the health for community as a whole. In cultures around the world we find women during this time are treated in highest regards and taken care of through food, bodywork, herbs, rest and ceremony. It is our time as care givers and portal openers to use our magic, healing hearts and gentle hands to weave this support in our communities. We are re-mapping how we take care of our mothers bringing them back to what it means to be loved, nourished and cared for. When we do this they are allowed to step into their highest self and healing the world one women at a time.
Here's What You Receive:
12 Live Virtual Classes & their recordings (1/2 lecture & 1/2 cooking demos/technique)
Pages of notes & knowledge
Collection of 30 + recipes
1 private mentorship session
What We Cover:
Ayurvedic Perspective Cooking Through the Trimesters
Cooking with the uniqueness of each mother
Ancestral Cooking
Seasonal & Ritual Cooking
Designing Menus
Framing packages & variations of offerings
Our Months Together:
January: 1st & 2nd Trimester
February: 3rd Trimester & Birth/Labor
March: Post Partum
April: Ancestral Cooking & Cooking For Each Mother
May: Seasonal & Ritual Cooking
June: Framing Packages & Offerings/Logistics
Pricing & Registration
Paid in Full: $1900
6 Month Payment Plan: 6 installments of $350
8 Month Payment Plan: 8 installments of $262.50