Dozen Chocolate Strawberry Roses
What's better than a bouquet of roses but a bouquet of strawberry chocolate roses!
This takes chocolate covered strawberries to a new level. Herbal Chocolate dipped strawberries that look like roses! Makes the perfect gift for yourself or loved one.
You receive 12 roses with a mix of the following flavors:
Dashamula Rose Beet
Turmeric Orange Blossom Vanilla
Elderberry Hibiscus
Delivery in Atlanta Area & NWGA on February 14th. Delivery fee included in price. Delivery only, no shipping option.
What's better than a bouquet of roses but a bouquet of strawberry chocolate roses!
This takes chocolate covered strawberries to a new level. Herbal Chocolate dipped strawberries that look like roses! Makes the perfect gift for yourself or loved one.
You receive 12 roses with a mix of the following flavors:
Dashamula Rose Beet
Turmeric Orange Blossom Vanilla
Elderberry Hibiscus
Delivery in Atlanta Area & NWGA on February 14th. Delivery fee included in price. Delivery only, no shipping option.
What's better than a bouquet of roses but a bouquet of strawberry chocolate roses!
This takes chocolate covered strawberries to a new level. Herbal Chocolate dipped strawberries that look like roses! Makes the perfect gift for yourself or loved one.
You receive 12 roses with a mix of the following flavors:
Dashamula Rose Beet
Turmeric Orange Blossom Vanilla
Elderberry Hibiscus
Delivery in Atlanta Area & NWGA on February 14th. Delivery fee included in price. Delivery only, no shipping option.